Beyond Strong
Hoshizaki is a name synonymous with quality, innovation, and reliability. Their vast array of high-performing products includes ice machines, refrigeration equipment, prep tables and worktops, ice dispensers, and back bar refrigerators.

Ice Machines
Hoshizaki Ice Machines maximize efficiency without compromising quality. Opt for eight different types of ice from air-cooled, water-cooled, and remote air-cooled models. Perfect for restaurants and bars, convenience stores, hospitality industries, supermarkets, schools and universities, healthcare centers and more.

Hoshizaki Steelheart refrigeration products maintain your products' freshness while not breaking the bank. Whether it's reach-ins, prep tables, undercounter, merchandisers, or bar refrigeration, Hoshizaki uses earth-friendly hydrocarbon refrigerant in all of its refrigeration products.
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